what happened to sydney to the max mother


"The more than things change, the more than they stay the aforementioned".

Sydney to the Max is a Disney Channel Child Com created past Mark Reisman, starring Ruth Righi and Ian Reed Kesler.

Set in the present 24-hour interval with flashbacks to 1992, the comedy revolves around middle schooler Sydney Reynolds who lives with her single dad Max in the business firm he grew up in, forth with her progressive grandmother Judy - iii generations under one roof.

Sydney navigates life in center school along with her best friend Olive, often getting into comical situations. Max tries his all-time to understand and support her. Sydney'southward nowadays-day antics mirror the situations 12-year quondam Max got himself into in 1992.

The series premiered on Jan 25th, 2019. It was renewed for a second season on May 23, 2019 which began with a Christmas episode on December xiii, 2019, followed past the residuum of the flavour starting March 23, 2020. A third season was commissioned on November 21, 2019 and started airing on March xix, 2021, eventually ending on November 26, 2021. Ruth Righi confirmed on Jan 1, 2022, that the testify was cancelled and will non exist returning for a 4th season, peradventure due to moving on to focus on her role in the new Disney Inferior show Eureka.

Sydney to the Max contains examples of:

  • The '90s: The decade in which Max grew upwards in. The series ofttimes features flashbacks to the 1990s.
  • Absent Fauna Companion: The stop of "Who Permit the Dogs In" has Sydney detect Max's old pet turtle, Hawk, hiding in the walls, and he allows her to keep him. Still, Hawk hasn't appeared since that episode.
  • Absentee Actor:
    • Sophia is seen without Emmy in "Never Been Pierced", "How Sydney Got Her Phone Dorsum" and "Night Not at the Museum".
    • Emmy is seen without Sophia in "'Mo Grandmas, 'Mo Problems".
    • Leo doesn't appear in My Ain Kickoff Enemies.
  • Thespian Allusion: In one episode, Grandma Judy tells Sydney that someone she knows thinks all cats are witches, supposing that he watches also much tv. Her actress Caroline Rhea starred on Sabrina the Teenage Witch with a cat who once was a witch.
    • In the Halloween Episode, she is not only dressed as a witch but jokes that she wishes she had a talking true cat. When Max says cats don't talk, she says "They do in my globe".
  • Adult Fear: In "Night Not at the Museum", Sydney is upset with her male parent for missing also many of her curfews and decides to leave to a special i night issue she was going to miss. She and so listens to the messages on her telephone from the previous nighttime where her father is frantically trying to get a concur of her, his calls condign more desperate and worrying. Sydney then realized how her father felt and why he reacts and so much when she is late, and chooses to miss the event and accepts her punishment.
  • An Aesop: Every episode has one, relating to the trouble Sydney has throughout.
  • Age Cutting: Sometimes used on Max when the episode transitions to (and sometimes from) the flashbacks, combined with Match Cutting.
  • Ascended Extra: A younger version of Sydney's late female parent becomes a recurring character in Flavour three as role of the overarching arc where Max slowly gains the confidence to confess his love for her.
  • Baby Talk: Maggie, the woman Max dates in "Can't Hardly Appointment", is a huge offender of this trope.
  • Altogether Episode:
    • "As Bad as She Gets" is set on Max'southward birthday.
    • "Going the Green Mile" for Emmy.
    • "Thirteen Candles" switches between Sydney and Max's 13th birthday.
    • "The Bat Mitzvah Planner" for Olive and Leo.
  • Bittersweet Ending: Shows upwardly frequently.
    • "Dark Not at the Museum": Sydney chooses to accept her penalisation, pregnant she misses the museum and won't be able to run into information technology once again for probably a long time, but she's on amend terms with Max.
    • "Babe One More than Rhyme": Sydney's song doesn't get picked, but Ricky says her song is only suitable for her, which inspires her to be a vocalizer and songwriter.
  • Bottle Episode: The A-plot of "I Know What Yous Did Final Sleepover" takes place completely within the Reynolds business firm.
  • Pause the Haughty: Sydney has one striking her in "Nighttime Not at the Museum" when she hears Max's voicemails and realizes he really does intendance about her, thus she gives upward and accepts her penalisation, meaning she misses the Pop-Upwardly Block Museum.
  • Cannot Spit Information technology Out: In the 90s subplot of Flavor 3, Max finds confessing his feelings to Alisha totally difficult. One time he tried IM-ing his feelings to her over the computer, but he accidentally tells another random boy who had a Friendless Background, and makes him his best friend.
  • The Chessmaster: Sophia's mother is this toward Max too equally a Control Freak. She manipulates Max into supporting the telephone ban when she brings up examination scores dropping due to existence distracted, and she's the reason why Sydney's attempts to become out of missing the Pop-Up Cake Museum fail.
  • Childhood Friend Romance: The Flavor 2 finale "Xiii Candles" reveals that Max and Alisha, Leo's cousin, met at his 13th birthday. Their friendship continues in Season three, when Alisha (and her parents) movement in temporarily with Leo and his family.
  • Christmas Episode: "How The Syd Stole Christmas" in Flavor 2.
  • Comedic Underwear Exposure: Max accidentally drops underwear with his proper name written on it in the hallway at school.
  • Cool Old Lady: Sydney's grandmother, Judy, is said to be hip and progressive. Max oftentimes has to rely on her in gild to better empathize Sydney.
  • Control Freak: Sophia's mother Angela has this attitude, usually toward Max.
  • Cousin Oliver: In the eye of Season three, Sydney's spunky 7-year-old cousin from Georgia, Lexi, moves in with the Reynolds for the summer.
  • Downer Ending: At the end of Season iii'southward "Male child Story," Sydney and Harry put a intermission on their relationship when Sydney realizes that spending all her time with Harry is preventing him from making new friends.
  • Drop-In Character: Olive, who constantly spends fourth dimension at Sydney's firm because of the chaos her 4 brothers cause.
  • Expository Hairstyle Modify: Sydney's hair changes partway into Season three, having ditched her direct hair for a crimpy African bun to become more than in touch with her Blackness side and wearing it naturally.
  • Feud Episode:
    • "I Know What You Did Last Sleepover" for Sydney and Olive.
    • "My Best Friend'southward Catastrophe" for Emmy and Sophia.
  • Get-go Period Panic: In Season 2, Sydney drops out of a concert because she's afraid of having an accident and revealing to the residual of the school that she got her period. Fortunately she reconsiders when she finds out ane of her friends has been hiding her period because of her embarrassment and she realizes information technology's naught to be embarrassed almost.
  • Flash Back: The serial features flashbacks to the '90s, when Max was a kid.
  • Wink Back Repeat: The bear witness's flashbacks with Max parallel what'south happening with Sydney in the present. For example, in "Tin can't Dye This", Sydney tries to insubordinate against Max and dye her hair, while in the flashback, Max tries to rebel against his mom and bleach his pilus so he can bring together a skateboarding gang.
  • Foregone Conclusion: In the 90s subplot, Max has to confess his feelings for Alisha and the two accept to go a couple at some bespeak later in the serial, given that Sydney exists in the present day.
  • Four-Girl Ensemble: Sydney is the Team Mom, Olive is the smart merely brash one, Emmy is The Ditz, and Sophia is the tomboy.
  • Good-Times Montage: One occurs in "Who Let The Dogs In" as immature Max spends time with his pet turtle Militarist.
  • Gone Horribly Right: In "As Bad equally She Gets", Leo considers moving dorsum to Portland and setting up an role there, but his son LJ doesn't want to move as he will miss his friends dorsum home. So Sydney and LJ steal bikes from the shop to brand them appear equally bad influences in an attempt to cancel the motion. Their plan works too well - non just does Leo call off the motion, it nearly destroys his and Max'south friendship.
  • Green Aesop: The main lesson of "Going the Green Mile".
  • Happy Birthday to You!: In "Xiii Candles", the young Alisha sings this at Max's thirteenth altogether.
  • Half-Arc Season: The 90s subplots in Season 3 have a more serialized plot line which showed how Max fell in dearest with Alisha and slowly gained the conviction to confess his feelings for her.
  • Hypocrite: In the outset episode Judy called Max unreasonable for non letting Sydney dye her hair. The flashbacks evidence Judy not letting Max dye his hair when he was Sydney's age.
  • Like Father, Like Daughter: The main point of the series revolves around this trope, as it'south meant to highlight merely how similar Max'due south girl is to him.
  • Local Hangout: Reynolds Rides, the bike shop Max works at.
  • Idiosyncratic Episode Naming: Every episode title is a pun on a '90s motion picture or vocal.
  • Informed Judaism: Olive was said to celebrate Hanukkah in the Christmas Episode, making her Jewish. Further revealed in "The Bat Mitzvah Planner".
  • Invisible Parents: Olive's parents have however to make appearances, aside from mentions. Same goes for Leo. Olive's mom appears in the episode "Rock the bladder".
  • Meaningful Rename: Sydney'southward friendship circle was originally chosen the "Dream Team", but to Emmy'south request, she renames them the "Four Amigas" so information technology sounds better.
  • Missing Mom: Sydney'southward mother Alisha passed away five years prior to the show.
  • Multinational Team: Sydney (one-half-Black), Olive (Jewish), Emmy (half-Latina) and Sophia (American).
  • My Hair Came Out Light-green: In "Can't Dye This", Sydney tries to dye her pilus and it comes out rainbow-colored. In the episode's flashback, Max tries to bleach his hair and it comes out cerise.
  • Once Washed, Never Forgotten: In "Can't Dye This", Max accidentally kisses a pupil instead of Sydney. Olive keeps reminding him of it past sending him GIFs of the incident.
  • Overprotective Dad: Max is said to exist overprotective and doting to Sydney.
  • Playing Sick: In "Caved and Confused", Judy pretends Sydney is sick so she tin cover for her as she watches Hot Shot Chef with Max.
  • Plot Pigsty: Sydney says in "Tin can't Inappreciably Date" information technology has been five years since her mother died, simply the flashback to the last Christmas with her in the Christmas Episode and "Thirteen Candles" say she died four years ago, which could exist impossible as she should already exist dead by this time.
  • Pop-Civilization Pun Episode Championship: Being a series that involves flashbacks to the '90s, there's a good amount of '90s references in the episode titles:
    • "Can't Dye This" - "U Can't Touch This".
    • "Who Allow the Dogs In" - "Who Let The Dogs Out?"
    • "The Parent Rail" - The Parent Trap.
    • "The Lyin' King" - The Panthera leo King (1994).
    • "Caved and Dislocated" - Dazed and Dislocated.
    • "Tin't Inappreciably Date" - Can't Hardly Wait.
    • "In that location'southward Something About Zach" - There'south Something Nearly Mary.
    • "Nuthin' only a Dance Thang" - "Nuthin' but a 'Thousand 'Thang".
    • "Never Been Pierced" - Never Been Kissed.
    • "Mo' Grandmas, Mo' Issues" - "Mo' Money, Mo' Problems".
    • "I Know What You Did Last Sleepover" - I Know What You Did Last Summer.
    • "Good Grade Hunting" - Good Will Hunting.
    • "Adventures in Babe-sitting" - Adventures in Babysitting.
    • "Yous've Got Female person" - You've Got Mail service.
  • Real Life Writes the Plot: According to the wiki site for the bear witness, Sydney was intended to be a skateboarder similar her father was when he was her age. Still, this changed when the writers realized Ruth Righi (Sydney's extra) could play the bass guitar and couldn't ride on a skateboard.
  • The Reveal: The flavour two finale reveals Leo and Alisha are really cousins meaning Leo and Max are actually cousins in constabulary
  • Table salt and Pepper: Max and Leo. As an inverse of the stereotypes, it's Leo who is the uptight i and Max who is the rebellious one.
  • Shipper on Deck: Olive, Emmy and Sofia to Sydney and Harry. Too Judy to Max and Alisha in the by.
  • Shout-Out: Multiple:
    • Using Popular-Culture Pun Episode Title:
      • "Can't Dye This" - "U Can't Bear upon This".
      • "Who Allow the Dogs In" - "Who Let The Dogs Out?"
      • "The Parent Track" - The Parent Trap.
      • "The Lyin' King" - The Lion King (1994).
      • "Caved and Confused" - Dazed and Dislocated.
      • "Tin can't Hardly Date" - Tin can't Inappreciably Look.
      • "In that location's Something Most Zach" - There'south Something Nearly Mary.
      • "Nuthin' but a Dance Thang" - "Nuthin' but a 'One thousand 'Thang".
      • "Never Been Pierced" - Never Been Kissed.
      • "Mo' Grandmas, Mo' Issues" - "Mo' Coin, Mo' Issues".
      • "I Know What Y'all Did Terminal Sleepover" - I Know What Yous Did Last Summer.
      • "Good Form Hunting" - Good Volition Hunting.
      • "Adventures in Babe-sitting" - Adventures in Babysitting.
      • "You've Got Female person" - You've Got Mail service.
    • In "Tin't Dye This", Young Max is shown wearing a Nirvana shirt. And he says that his mom went to see Home Solitary.
  • Sick Episode: "Little Shop of Reynolds" deals with Max communicable the flu right before he is to host a sale at Reynolds Rides.
  • Slumber Party: "I Know What Y'all Did Last Sleepover" has Olive stay over at the Reynolds' business firm for a week while her parents are away. It quickly falls apart when both Sydney and Olive notice each others' odd differences in their family.
  • Spit Shake: Max and Leo do this after making a pact to remain best friends no matter what their futures may hold.
  • Strictly Formula: Every episode follows a similar plot: Sydney wants to do something but Max declines, merely she gain to do so anyway behind his back. Flashbacks to Max's childhood in 1992 prove he had the same situations as Sydney did with similar results. When Max out Sydney disobeyed, he explains about the aforementioned problem from his childhood and the two make up with each other.
  • Take Our Give-and-take for It: Every time the characters lookout man TV, we never actually see what they're watching. Examples would exist the Doll of Decease motion-picture show in "Adventures in Infant-Sitting", and the Hot Shot Chef show and Ricky Angelo musical Doo Wop Days in "Caved and Confused". A non-Goggle box example would exist the Sixteen Oranges concert in "The Parent Track".
  • Talking in Your Sleep: I of Olive's bad habits. Sydney does not have this okay.
  • Squad Paw-Stack: The Iv Amigas have 1 together whenever they agree on something or vow to do things right.
  • ¡Three Amigos!: A variation of 4 that Sydney forms with Olive, Sophia and Emmy. Their group is called "The Four Amigas" as requested by the terminal of them.
  • Time to Move: In "As Bad As She Gets", Max gets a visit from the developed Leo who announces he'south moving back to Portland to be with his friend more. Withal, Leo's son LJ doesn't want to movement and enlists Sydney and Olive in sabotaging the plans; unfortunately, the results are likewise proficient.
  • Tiny Schoolboy: Max is noticeably shorter than his 8th class classmates at the showtime of Season iii.
  • Very Special Episode: To engagement, these have occurred Once a Season.
    • "You've Got Female" is one about women's rights.
    • "Girlz Two Women" centers around the women'south menstrual wheel and the consequences of such.
    • "Do the Write Thing" focuses on microaggressions.
  • Wham Line: "Growing upward we almost lost the house a few times, I didn't tell you because a kid shouldn't have to worry nearly that." Suddenly all the times it seemed similar Judy was existence unfair made sense.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Leo has yet to appear equally an developed in nowadays 24-hour interval, but where he is at present remains to be seen.
    • In "As Bad As She Gets," information technology's revealed that Leo runs a tech company, lives in San Francisco, and has a son around Sydney's age.
  • You Are Grounded!:
    • In the beginning episode, Max tells Sydney she's grounded after communicable her dying her pilus behind his back.
    • The plot of "Night Not at the Museum" revolves effectually Sydney beingness grounded by Max for missing ane besides many curfews, leaving her unable to get to the Pop-Upwards Block Museum which is for one dark just.


Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Series/SydneyToTheMax

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