Exalted Do You Get Gateway Martial Arts Charms for Free

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  1. TrvShane

    [Exalted] What do the Exalted practise?

    Howdy folks, I accept my heart on the Exalted Essence kickstarter because I'm a sucker for pretty art. Setting bated the apparent from comments on here complexity of the current version of the game (I don't mind a chewy game), I've been trying a little googling to go an thought nearly the gameplay cycle...

  2. ColinChapman

  3. F

    🎨 Creative [Exalted] Character Questionnaire

    Credit to @sukoshi Kaze Have you lot fatigued your OCs having a staredown yet? Practise any of your OCs accept any problems with their siblings? Who taught your OC how to fight? Do they have a teacher? A mentor? Someone who offered a guiding paw? Or are they self taught? Are any of your OCs parents? Is your...

  4. E

    🎨 Artistic [Exalted+] petty deathlords

    The joke, of course is that all the Deathlords are petty - they've been given a commission to Finish Reality, and, being ghosts, say "aye, sure, thank you for the powers," and just keep on cycling through their narrow obsessions. But now we're back to the early on 1e thing of "perhaps lots of...

  5. WokeRonin

  6. Rogerd

  7. Arkat

    Exalted revisited

    It has been at to the lowest degree 10 years since final fourth dimension I looked at my Exalted 1st ed books, just last night I pulled them out on a whim and I was instantly taken back to the first time I read the game. To a time before the map was filled in, before the monomanical focus on character builds and...

  8. WokeRonin

  9. WokeRonin

    [RECRUITMENT] Exalted vs World of Darkness

    The world here is non our own; information technology is similar peering through a colored or painted glass. The shadows are even longer, and if you expect at it at the correct angle, you'll notice that some nasty things pitter-patter and and stare at y'all from those shadows. Hungry, evil things similar vampires and angry, proud...

  10. I

    🎨 Creative [Setting riff] Eclipse: Dune-ish Exalted

    See at present the ten k worlds of the Scarlet Empire, ruled by the doddering and ancient Swell Houses and their Dragon-Blooded supersoldiers. Inside the Empire, the ships of the mysterious Weaving Club behave men and material along leylines from star to star, propelled by the ancient magics of...

  11. Mulsiphix

    [Exalted] What Does GM'ing Look Like?

    I'm evaluating Exalted as my next fantasy organization. I know this is a loftier crunch game only after lightly perusing the 2E system I'grand left even so feeling similar I have no idea how this behemoth volition run. So I have a couple of questions. Notation I have both 1E and 2E material, and so I could run either, but no...

  12. Mulsiphix

  13. Beron the Grey

    🎨 Creative [Exalted+] Five Exalted Truths

    I've come to the conclusion lately that I adopt 13th Age's arroyo to the whole thorny result of "canon" in RPGs; I peculiarly liked the Volume of Ages in that regard. Now, Exalted 2e did a bit of this: the Scavenger Lands volume for 2e had five unlike takes on what the Emissary really was...

  14. Kingslayer

    [Exalted] Need a test of character for Solars.

    Hither is the situation in brief. In my campaign, the PCs agreed to help a local, mortal princess on her quest to recover an artifact (a glass songbird whose vocal drives away demons) from a foreign tribe that possesses it. The Circle wants to exercise this peacefully as they take blundered their way...

  15. Zasii

    [Exalted] What do your Circles look like?

    Something I've been curious most for a picayune while is what is the typical composition of a Circle in a game of Exalted. And I don't mean Caste residue, I mean the balance of types: single-blazon, odd homo out, free for all. To that end, this poll. Definitions used: Unmarried-Patron: All players are...

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