Kissed by the Baddest Bidder Soryu Perfect Family
"I bought you."
Kissed past the Baddest Bidder is a Romance Game Visual Novel by Voltage, Inc. for iOS and Android devices.
The protagonist works on the housekeeping staff of the Tres Spades, a luxury hotel and casino. When she accidentally stumbles into a secret VIP party, she ends up in much more trouble than she could have imagined: there's an illegal underworld sale going on in the lowest level of the hotel, and the concluding item up for sale is her.
Afterwards the winning bid is bandage for the enormous sum of xx million dollars, she ends upwardly in the company of a Hong Kong gangster, a Admirer Thief, a famous artist and fashion model, a police detective, and the billionaire possessor of the Tres Spades himself. On the bright side, their intentions for her don't seem to be as horrifying as she feared... merely on the other hand, they don't seem to be planning to just permit her walk away, either.
In Dec 2017, Kissed by the Blue-chip Bidder was transferred into Voltage'southward Love 365 app.
The game contains examples of the post-obit tropes:
- Abhorrent Admirer: Eisuke doesn't seem to find Carolina Bucci abhorrent, just off-putting in her forwardness, merely she definitely ends upwards in this trope when she changes her target to a quietly horrified Soryu.
- Alice Allusion: The secret auction is known as The Mad Hatter's Tea Party, with the auctioneer dressed in a Mad Hatter costume. In the prologue, Ota compares the protagonist to Alice having fallen downwardly the rabbit hole.
- All Girls Want Bad Boys: The game is clearly designed with this trope in heed. All of the possible love interests are involved in underworld dealings - Eisuke is the CEO of a zaibatsu
and does business organization with The Mafia, Soryu is a member of The Triads, Mitsunari is a thief, Mamoru ignores the others' illegal activities and the being of the secret auction despite being a police detective, and Ota is a regular at the auction and treats the protagonist like a pet.
- Alpha Bitch: The protagonist'due south co-worker Erika and her ii minions. Carolina starts off as one as well, adopting an immediate and undisguised loathing for the protagonist, but once she'due south persuaded to give upwards on Eisuke she becomes more of a Lovable Blastoff Bowwow.
- Alternate Character Reading: If you're wondering why a Hong Kong gangster has a Japanese name, "Oh Soryu" is the Japanese reading of "ç èŒéŸ," which in Chinese would exist read "WĂĄng CÄnglĂłng," and can be read as "blue dragon male monarch" in either language.
- Alternate Reality Episode: A few side stories identify the beloved interests in alternate roles including doctors, vampires, waiters, and more.
- Creature Motif: Several people accurately compare Ryosuke Inui to a dog: he's loyal, obedient, eager to please, and not very bright.
- Arranged Wedlock: Mei Ling in Soryu's route is in Nippon to observe a husband who will exist able to facilitate the Bell Crickets' expansion into the country. That Mei Ling herself doesn't want to marry anyone is more often than not irrelevant, although at least her father cares for her enough to allow her to turn down anyone she doesn't find suitable as a partner, and Soryu is willing to present her with a series of likely prospects and let her plough them all down if that's what she wants. It works out a little besides well: at the end of Mei Ling'southward stay in Japan, Simon Lee concludes that Soryu is the nearly suitable husband for her based on Mei Ling's trust in him and the lengths to which he's gone to continue her condom.
- Artistic License – Gun Safety: Soryu repeatedly and casually points his pistol at friends and allies when they badger him, in flagrant disregard of i of the cardinal rules of firearm prophylactic - specifically, "never aim a gun at anything you don't intend to kill."
- Attempted Rape: In Mamoru's route, The leader of the religious cult, Aid, almost rapes the protagonist earlier she is saved by Mamoru
- Babies Always Afterwards: The special side stories "Becoming The Perfect Family unit" are all set years in the future, with the protagonist married with children.
- The Bait:
- On Soryu's route, the protagonist volunteers to pose every bit Mei Ling and let whoever's after her kidnap her so that Soryu and the guys can discover out who'due south responsible and rail them to their leader. Soryu is not happy nigh putting her at so much risk, but reluctantly agrees for lack of better ideas when the protagonist makes it clear that she trusts him to become her through it in one piece.
- In Soryu'southward sequel, he ends up using the protagonist as bait to describe out the traitor amidst the Ice Dragons - this time without her knowledge. She'southward not happy almost it when she finds out afterward, but forgives him since he wasn't happy nearly it either and took every possible measure to protect her.
- "Blindside!" Flag Gun:
- During a trip to the shooting range in Soryu'due south sequel, Soryu offers to permit the protagonist endeavour firing a gun... which turns out to be one of these.
- Early in his main road, Baba pulls a gun on the protagonist to emphasise the gravity of her situation. When Baba pulls the trigger, the gun "fires" a bloom.
- Bastard Boyfriend: Hand in manus with the basic premise of the game. Non all of the possible dear interests qualify, only Eisuke, Ota, and Season 2's Shuichi Hishikura certainly do.
- Baton Needs an Organ: A throwaway reference in Eisuke's route mentions that the rights to donor organs are a mutual item upwards for auction at the underworld sale, and are apparently always good sellers, although Ota finds them wearisome.
- Black Market place: The underground sale primarily sells things that can't exist purchased legally, including stolen artwork, the rights to donor organs, and occasionally people.
- Break Her Heart to Save Her/Brutal to Be Kind:
- In Eisuke's road, he very coldly dumps the protagonist once the bargain with the Buccis is concluded, which turns out to have been the outset step in his plan to protect her from beingness targeted past his enemies. Plus getting Erika to lay off the harassment at work.
- Eisuke does it once again in his sequel, when he realises that being associated with him will sour his sister's human relationship with her future begetter-in-police force. And so he puts on a nifty show of publicly declaring that he wants nil to do with Yukari, when finding her has actually been his raison d'ĂȘtre since they were separated.
- In Soryu'south sequel, he takes a page from Eisuke's book and abruptly breaks things off with the protagonist with a terse explanation that she's holding him back and he can't be free effectually her. It's because there's a traitor in the Ice Dragons who is out to get him, plus the violence is bringing the police down on him and he doesn't want her to be endangered or subject to suspicion by her association with him. Subsequently everything is sorted out, she extracts a stern promise from him to never, ever do it over again.
- Telephone call-Dorsum: Eisuke's epilogue calls back to his first see with the protagonist when she is, once over again, accidentally shoved into his path as he crosses the hotel lobby, and he catches her to prevent her from falling. This time, he takes the opportunity to make it clear to his crowd of female groupies that he's non interested in anyone but her.
- Chained Estrus: Later running afoul of Detective Ayase, the protagonist and Baba observe themselves in a loftier-tech version of this predicament. Rather than standard handcuffs, they each end up wearing bracelets that will explode if they are more five feet apart.
- Comic-Volume Fantasy Casting:
- Don Bucci's character design is modeled directly afterwards Vito Corleone.
- Eisuke'south sequel and Soryu's road both include a villain drawn to expect like Walter White.
- Cooldown Hug: The protagonist gives one to Mamoru.
- Crash-Into Hello: The protagonist'due south outset run into with Eisuke in the prologue occurs when she's accidentally shoved into him as he'southward on his way across the hotel antechamber.
- Cut His Centre Out with a Spoon: At i bespeak in Eisuke'due south route, it looks every bit though Carolina means to Murder the Hypotenuse. When Eisuke and Soryu testify upward to stop her, however, information technology turns out that all she was planning to practice was douse the protagonist in skunk spray, in the hopes that Eisuke wouldn't want to be around her because of the stink.
- Ditch the Bodyguards: Mei Ling tries it early on in Soryu's route, dragging the protagonist along with her and nearly getting both of them assaulted past a pair of thugs.
- The Don: Antonio Bucci.
- Dumbass Has a Betoken: For near of Soryu's route, Inui'south eagerness to be of help is matched only by his inability to reach annihilation productive due to his inexperience and the fact that he'south just not the sharpest tack in the box. When he reads the protagonist the riot human activity for giving up on Soryu without even trying to tell him how she feels, nevertheless, everyone nowadays has to admit that he's entirely correct.
- Healthcare Motivation: Why Kyoichiro turns on Soryu in Soryu's sequel. His mother is critically ill, and the but run a risk of saving her is a very expensive genius doctor. It but and so happens that someone out there is willing to pay a lot of coin for Soryu'due south expiry... When this is revealed, Soryu blames himself for not realizing that Kyoichiro was in need, and he and Eisuke arrange for Kyo's mother to be treated by the medico.
- Hope Spot: The protagonist gets a brief glimmer of hope in the prologue, when she realises that the auction cannot possibly be legal and that the police force volition help her. Then the hitherto silent human by the window is introduced as "Detective Kishi"...
- Hopeless Suitor: Carolina Bucci, to Eisuke.
- I Have Your Wife:
- I of Eisuke's competitors tries kidnapping the protagonist to use every bit leverage against him. Eisuke claims he doesn't care, but the other guys note later how unusual it is for Eisuke to have come in person to negotiate at all.
- Mei Ling in Soryu's route is targeted by the Arimura grouping, who desire to housebreak her to employ her every bit leverage against her father's system.
- I Just Want to Be Complimentary: As the daughter of a Triad boss, even one as caring as Simon Lee, Mei Ling has very little freedom to pursue her own happiness. Between the risk of existence a target for her father's enemies, the need to avoid doing anything that would cause her father to lose face, and the expectation that she volition have to marry based on what will be about advantageous for the Bell Crickets, it's no surprise that she takes her trip to Nihon as an opportunity to experience the kind of freedom she can't take in Hong Kong.
- Innocent Innuendo: Eisuke'due south sequel begins with he and the protagonist in bed, where Eisuke is didactics her the proper way to use her fingers... to activate the fingerprint recognition on a new prototype keycard.
- Interface Spoiler: A minor i occurs in Hishikura'due south main road Flavour 2 - the protagonist only knows Hishikura by his family proper noun, so she has no reason to realize - equally the player probably will from his introductory profile - that "Shu" is short for his given name, Shuichi.
- I Owe Y'all My Life: Inui's over-enthusiastic loyalty to Soryu is because Soryu saved him from some yakuza thugs and gave him a place in the Ice Dragons.
- Latex Perfection: On more than one occasion Baba disguises himself as an bearding mook using a latex mask designed for him by Ota.
- Like an Sometime Married Couple: Put Mamoru and the protagonist in a room together and the bickering volition never, ever end.
- Lost Him in a Card Game: In 1 of the Soryu's side-stories, he bets the protagonist in a poker game confronting Ota and loses her.
- Lost in Translation: "Baba" sounds similar a pejorative Japanese word for "old woman," and the bill of fare game Old Maid is called "Babanuki," the object of the game being to omit ("nuku") the Old Maid ("baba"). Thus, when Mei Ling abruptly changes the field of study from arguing with Baba to propose everyone play a game of Old Maid, she'south actually telling anybody to ignore Baba via a bit of beautiful wordplay that unfortunately didn't survive translation into English.
- Love Triangle: The "Tangled Love Triangle" side stories give the protagonist 9 potential triangles to put themselves in.
- Part 1 gives the choices of Eisuke and Baba, Mamoru and Shuichi, or Luke and Rhion.
- Office 2 gives the choices of Soryu and Momoru, Baba and Ota, or Hikaru and Luke.
- Function 3 gives the choices of Ota and Eisuke, Shuichi and Hikaru, or Rhion and Soryu.
- The Mafia: Present by and large in the form of the Bucci family unit, who Eisuke hopes to course an unspecified business organisation arrangement with. The English language localization too uses the term to refer to The Triads without making much stardom between the two, beyond that the latter is based out of Hong Kong.
- Mafia Princess: Both Carolina Bucci (on Eisuke'due south route) and Mei Ling Lee (on Soryu's) fall into the Japanese "yakuza princess" variant of the trope, as they're both fully aware of what sort of business organization their respective fathers do. Mei Ling is even referred to specifically equally a "mafia princess" on several occasions during Soryu's road. In both cases, their fathers clearly dote upon them, and neither woman has whatever particular issues with her father's activities, although Mei Ling chafes a bit at the lack of freedom that comes with being a Triad dominate'due south daughter.
- Majored in Western Hypocrisy: Eisuke and Soryu attended school together in England.
- Meaningful Name:
- "Soryu Oh" can exist read as "blueish dragon king." He's the grandson of the leader of an organized crime family chosen the Water ice Dragons.
- "Mamoru Kishi" can exist read as "protector with noble intentions."
- Mister Muffykins: Carolina'due south pet chihuahua, Fang.
- My Fist Forgives You lot: In the practiced ending of Mamoru'southward main route, Eisuke ends up on the receiving end when Mamoru punches him for selling the information that got Minami killed.
- Neighborhood-Friendly Gangsters:
- Although Soryu is the merely member of the main bandage who is officially a gangster, all of them are in some mode involved in illegal and morally questionable activity. Since they're also all potential romantic leads, still, none of them are shown doing annihilation besides reprehensible, and the action of any given road usually involves one or more of them putting a stop to the activities of much less neighborhood-friendly criminals.
- This extends to most of Soryu's gang, the Water ice Dragons, as shown during his route. Their dominate is said to lack Soryu's ethics and to be primarily concerned with profit, but all of the Water ice Dragons the protagonist meets have great respect for Soryu and follow him loyally. Simon Lee'south system, the Bell Crickets, don't go much screen time merely are described equally a "moderate" grouping whose values are compatible with Soryu'south.
- Never Institute the Body: Implied with Arimura on Soryu's route.
Protagonist: Later on that... Arimura turns up missing, and no one will tell me what became of him.
- Squeamish Job Breaking Information technology, Hero:
- On Soryu's route, Soryu has the Arimura boss wholly at his mercy... until Inui, who followed Soryu hoping to assistance him, is taken hostage by one of Arimura'due south mooks. Only Eisuke and Mamoru turning upwards to play The Cavalry keeps the situation from ending very, very desperately.
- After in Soryu'south route, the protagonist tearfully confronts Soryu over what he'due south doing as he prepares to leave for Hong Kong, begging him to reconsider because she wants him to be happy. This leads directly to Soryu deciding to cull Honor Before Reason and nearly getting executed for it. Fortunately, Eisuke in one case once again intervenes to make certain that everything works out for the best.
- Noble Demon:
- Eisuke flatly denies that he's a proficient person, and indeed he isn't. On the other hand, his motives are often more than benevolent than a casual observer might expect. He's prone to doing things like arranging an auction on short notice in social club to help a woman get out of an calumniating relationship with her yazuka boyfriend, for example.
- Soryu likewise; as second in command of the Water ice Dragons he's no stranger to doing unsavory things, simply he has a strong personal code of laurels and firm opinions on things like violence towards women or endangering innocent bystanders. Baba accurately describes him every bit "a bad guy just not a bad person," and a scene partway through Soryu'due south road suggests that he wishes he could be a heroic detective instead of having been born into the Triads.
- Nouveau Riche: The man who initially tried to buy the protagonist in the prologue shows up over again in Baba'south route. He'due south described every bit the kind of person who likes to flaunt his money in the nigh ostentatious style possible, and his supposed peers are laughing backside his back. During a spot of burglary, Baba and the protagonist brand note of his gaudy possessions and share a express mirth at his (lack of) taste.
- Operation: Jealousy:
- Invoked for laughs past Eisuke on Soryu's road, gleefully abetted by Ota and Baba. Observing that Soryu seems to exist taking an unusually personal involvement in the protagonist, they take advantage of the fact that he's having the protagonist stand in for Mei Ling at her arranged marriage meetings past setting her upward to meet a handsome young politico who'due south known for being popular with women... then sit down back and relish watching Soryu quietly seethe with jealousy.
- The unabridged penthouse crew pulls one on Ota in his epilogue as a form of What the Hell, Hero? when they finally realize that the whole "pet dog" thing isn't just a Running Gag and that Ota actually treats the protagonist that style all the time. Baba, Eisuke, Soryu, and Mamoru all conspire to lavish attending on the protagonist specifically for the purpose of making Ota jealous, and when he takes exception they bespeak out that, since she's only a pet to him, he has no grounds to object.
- Out-Gambitted: Nikaido thinks he's managed to gain the upper mitt over Eisuke by abducting the protagonist. Eisuke gain to demonstrate in every possible style how incorrect he is. In fact, almost everything Eisuke does during their confrontation is just window dressing: before he always showed up, he'd already formed an brotherhood with Nikaido'southward 2nd-in-command, who is in the process of taking over command of Nikaido'due south visitor every bit they speak.
- Perspective Flip: The "His POV" side stories.
- Playing Carte du jour Motifs: In menus and promotional images, the main cast are represented with playing cards: Eisuke as the Ace of Hearts, Soryu as the Male monarch of Spades, Baba every bit the Joker, Ota equally the Queen of Diamonds, and Mamoru equally the Jack of Clubs. In-game, of grade, there'southward the Hotel Tres Spades ("three spades") itself, which has 52 above-footing floors.
- Belongings of Dear: The game entirely avoids the ickiest scenarios that its premise could lead into, and instead revolves around the romantic fantasy of being endemic by i's lover as its cardinal theme. How heavily the theme is played depends on the route - it's strongest in Eisuke and Ota's routes as compared to Soryu and Baba's, in which it'south much less prominent.
- Qipao: Mei Ling Lee, every bit the daughter of a prominent Hong Kong Triad leader, wears nothing but cheongsam; Baba in particular makes much of how sexy the look is. When the protagonist has to pretend to be Mei Ling during Soryu's route, she naturally also must wear a cheongsam, and pulls information technology off well enough to receive a genuine compliment from Soryu.
- Regal Ringlets: Carolina wears her hair done upwards in huge cascades of ringlets on either side of her face up.
- Romantic Runner-Upward: Poor Takahiro. He gets as far every bit inviting the protagonist out on a pseudo-engagement and makes an impassioned plea for her to choose him as the more stable 1 between him and Eisuke. This being Eisuke's route, she plain doesn't.
- Romanticized Abuse: Both Eisuke and Ota's routes are characterized past severely controlling beliefs and denial of the protagonist's personhood on the parts of the guys in question, who treat her as belongings (in Eisuke'south case) or a pet (in Ota's) and use the threat of going support for auction to force the protagonist to go along with this treatment. Most of this is played every bit somewhat kinky fantasy, and the protagonist falling in love and choosing to stay with either guy on his route is portrayed as positive and romantic.
- Sex Slave: Implied as a possibility when the protagonist is auctioned off and the auctioneer announces that the winning bidder can do annihilation they want with her.
- Sequel Claw:
- Eisuke's main route mentions his search for his sis, which becomes a major focus of his sequel.
- As of the end of Soryu's sequel, there's someone out there somewhere willing to pay amply to have Soryu killed, simply nobody knows who or why. This will assuredly be coming up once again. The sequel also mentions that both of Soryu's parents are AWOL, some other plot hook that's likely to exist addressed in future content.
- Sharp-Dressed Man: Almost of the penthouse suite crew are snappy dressers, particularly Eisuke in his custom-tailored three-piece suit.
- Shipper on Deck: Pretty much the entire main cast, especially Eisuke and Baba and also including Inui and Mei Ling, get actively invested in making sure Soryu and the protagonist cease up together by the end of Soryu's route. His epilogue occurs when they find out that he has nonetheless to take the protagonist out on a proper date, and insist on arranging one then and there.
- Side Bet:
- In Soryu'southward epilogue, the other guys practice Soryu a "favor" by obtaining a sexy red cheongsam for the protagonist and laying it out for her in Soryu's room in the penthouse suite... then bet among themselves every bit to whether or not she'll habiliment it. Eisuke wins.
- Mei Ling gets in on the activeness in Soryu's sequel: later on Soryu breaks up with the protagonist, she and the guys identify bets on whether or not they'll get dorsum together, with Eisuke and Ota betting 'no' and Mei Ling putting five k dollars on 'yes'.
- Played for high stakes when Mamoru and Eisuke gamble on the outcome of the sometime's principal route. If Mamoru wins, Eisuke will not interfere as the auctions are revealed to the public and they all become field of study to criminal investigation. If Eisuke wins and then Mamoru will remain an auction sponsor and Eisuke's man in the MPD, and everything will be business equally usual.
- Sleep Beautiful: Subject of a CG scene in Soryu'due south route when the protagonist falls asleep on Soryu's sofa and wakes up in his bed, with Soryu asleep beside her.
- Spotting the Thread: Multiple instances of this trope occur in Hishikura's primary route:
- Although seeing "Shu" come out of Hishikura's shower is the final straw that forces the protagonist to put the pieces together, the deception probably could accept held up for at least a little longer had Hishikura not recently mentioned the protagonist non taking sugar in her coffee, a subject that had never come up up in their previous conversations. She had, withal, told "Shu" that she didn't treat sweets.
- Hishikura realizes at the last infinitesimal that Maezono has demonstrated too much noesis about the particular circumstances of the blackmail scandal that concluded his father's career - more than anyone non involved in engineering the scandal should have had. This tips him off to the fact that Maezono, not Eisuke, is the person responsible for his male parent's disgrace.
- Stockholm Syndrome: A possible interpretation of the protagonist's relationship with her guy of choice, particularly in Eisuke and Ota's routes:
- In Eisuke's road, she gradually gets used to his controlling beliefs, to the indicate that she's happy when he allows her to leave the hotel on her day off and gives her half an 60 minutes to answer his pages instead of the usual five minutes. In a moment of self-awareness, the protagonist then notes that this is probably not a salubrious response to her situation.
- Similarly, in Ota's route she struggles with the realization that she'due south being conditioned to enjoy being treated similar a pet.
- Stupidest Matter I've Ever Heard: Mamoru's response to hearing Aida claim that he was built-in to impale Mamoru and the protagonist: "That'south the stupidest reason I ever heard for bein' built-in!"
- Sympathetic Inspector Adversary: Detective Ayase. Not merely does he lead the taskforce fix to bring Baba to justice, but he's made it his personal goal as well.
- Tracking Device: In several dissimilar routes, one of the guys turns out to have secretly planted a tracking device on the protagonist for one reason or another:
- The pager that Eisuke gives the protagonist also has a GPS locator in it so that he can track her down if she fails to answer to a page. This is how he knows where to observe her when Carolina abducts her.
- Soryu plants i on the protagonist in his sequel, in order to exist able to keep track of her while he uses her as bait to flush out the traitor among the Ice Dragons.
- Mamoru plants 1 in the protagonist's baggage before she leaves to join the AID.
- The penthouse crew somehow manage to go a tracking device into her personal cell telephone in Hishikura'south main road.
- Triang Relations: Several, depending on the route taken.
- In Eisuke'southward route, there's a Blazon 4 variation with the protagonist and Eisuke in a Simulated Relationship where they've both caught feelings, and then there's the protagonist'due south dominate, Takahiro, who is too in dear with her. This makes for a short Betty and Veronica selection.
- Another Type Four in Eisuke's route, this time with Carolina as the outsider, in love with Eisuke. Although she's adequately easily dissuaded.
- In that location'southward an evolving one in Soryu'southward route with the protagonist and Mei Ling. It starts as a Type Three with the two ladies attracted to Soryu and him having none of it before eventually turning into a Type Four every bit Soryu develops feelings for the protagonist. Mei Ling steps aside, although Rule of Drama makes the state of affairs much more than complicated.
- True Companions: The five prospective love interests are all pretty close and willing to help 1 another out whenever information technology's needed. Eisuke and Soryu, in item, went to boarding school together and are evidently 1 some other'due south closest friends: Soryu shares insight into Eisuke's character with the protagonist on more than one occasion during Eisuke'southward road, as well as protectively shadowing the protagonist on Eisuke'due south behalf after Eisuke cuts her loose, and Eisuke (assisted by the other guys) goes to meaning lengths at the end of Soryu'southward route to make certain that Soryu comes out of the situation live and able to be with the adult female he loves.
- Two-Person Love Triangle: In Hishikura's road in Season 2, the protagonist finds herself increasingly torn between her feelings for ii very different men, pitiless taskmaster Hishikura, and the kind but mysterious boyfriend who calls himself Shu. In fact, they are the same person: Hishikura posed every bit "Shu" in society to employ the protagonist in his plan to expose the black market auctions.
- Unequal Pairing: The protagonist is ever at a heavy disadvantage in the remainder of ability of her relationship with whichever guy she ends up with, thank you to the whole "bought at sale" business concern and the fact that he's of a much wealthier and more powerful social standing than she is. Some routes, such as Soryu'south, somewhen balance things out to some extent; others, such as Eisuke's, very much do not.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Baba and Ota have shades of this, more so on Ota's side.
- "What Practise They Fear?" Episode: The "His Weakness" side story revolves around the protagonist'due south efforts to find out what it is that her lover fears or has difficulty dealing with.
- Work Off the Debt: Repaying the $twenty million she was purchased for as a means of getting herself out of the situation she'southward in is not ever brought up as even beingness a possibility, but Soryu, at least, seems to consider the protagonist indebted to him. Since it's completely impossible for her to ever come up with that much money, he puts her to work equally Mei Ling's companion and and so as her stand-in. At the conclusion of Mei Ling's stay in Japan, he declares the debt discharged and the protagonist gratuitous... although given that by that point she'southward fallen for him, she finds herself non well-nigh every bit happy about it as she should be.
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